Fact-check! Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah and Liberia Maritime Authority Commissioner, Eugene Lenn Nagbe claimed that the Invincible Sports Park was constructed by President Weah and his friends.

Samuel Tweah and Eugene Nagbe image

Claim: Finance and Development Planning Minister, Samuel Tweah and Liberia Maritime Authority Commissioner,Eugene Lenn Nagbe claimed: “the Invincible Sports Park was constructed by President Weah and his friends.” Verdict: Misleading! Checks by DUBAWA show that a portion of the funds…

Explainer: Was Samuel Jackson Right about WASSCE statistics?

Samuel Jackson Photo

Was Samuel Jackson Right about WASSCE statistics? Samuel Jackson, a supporter of the Coalition for Democratic Change and an economist, appeared on Okay FM https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=266770369290802 July 6, 2023 with a claim that (16:14mins) the CDC government has the highest number…
