Prince Toe at Media Literacy Awareness


Group at the end of the video presentation launch at the Oscar Romero School for the Deaf in Bomi County

Preventing the spread of misinformation and disinformation within persons living with disabilities community.

In order to prevent the spread of Misinformation and Disinformation regarding the 2023 Biometric Voter Registration, Campaigners against misinfo and disinfo in Liberia in partnership with Cruse Media Concepts produced a short video presentation for hearing and speech impaired citizens in Liberia. The launch of the video presentation in Bomi County brought together over fifty(50) hearing and speech impaired citizens. After the launch, we came to Monrovia and did a presentation at the National Commission on Disabilities. This presentation brought together over sixty(60) persons with disabilities.

Media Literacy

Media Literacy Training at schools and universities

The organization has conducted public awareness on Media Literacy at eight Schools in Rural Montserrado with over six hundred(600) senior high school students in attendance. The schools include: Lucy Gibson School, Montserrado Technical Institute and Warriors for Jesus Kids School in Mount Barclay, Kingsley Lington Academy, Confidence School and King of Glory School in Fendell and New Jerusalem School and Careysburg Public High School in Careysburg. Moreover, we organized a two-day Media Literacy Awareness for over fifty (50) students of the Department of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Liberia. The intent is to prevent the spread of misinformation and disinformation in Liberia.

Digital Literacy Workshop for students in Liberia

Digital Literacy Training for High School Students

Campaigners against misinformation and disinformation in Liberia in partnership with Orange Digital Center hosted a one-day Digital Literacy Workshop for eighteen (18) students from the six schools mentioned above in Rural Montserrado County at the Orange Digital Center in Congo Town, Monrovia. The students learned two topics: "Finding and consuming reliable and credible digital content and Communicating and sharing reliable and credible digital content". We had two Facilitators at the one-day Digital Literacy Workshop. The intent of the training was to familiarize the students with online tools used to prevent the spread of misinformation and disinformation in Liberia. We are proud to inform you that these students serve as Ambassadors in the fight against misinformation and disinformation in Liberia.

LFN Launch Group Photo

Liberia Fact-Checking Network

In March 2O23, Campaigners against misinformation and disinformation joined the Liberia Fact-Checking Network. The Network was established in March to hold politicians and their followers, journalists, influencers and citizens accountable to the facts. The intent is to prevent the spread of misinformation and disinformation during and after the October 2023 polls. At the moment, the Executive Director of Campaigners against misinfo and disinfo in Liberia, Taweh Johnson serves as the Head of the Secretariat and Official Spokesperson of the Network. The Network comprises three fact-checking institutions: Campaigners against misinfo and disinfo in Liberia, The Stage Media and Local Voices Liberia including other individual fact-checkers. The Network was officially launched in June 2023.

Group photo at the end of the Election Misinfo and Disinfo Training for Journalists

Election Misinfo and Disinfo Prevention and Response Training for Journalists

Campaigners against misinformation and disinformation hosted Election Misinfo and Disinfo Prevention and Response Training for Journalists on September 28, 2023 at Sinkor Palace in Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia. The training equipped Journalists with the relevant skills to prevent and respond to Election Misinfo and Disinfo before, during and after the October 10, 2023 polls. Fourteen out of Sixteen Journalists attended representing Media Institutions in Montserrado, Margibi and Rivercess Counties. International Trainers along with local trainers passed on useful skills and knowledge to Liberian Journalists in order to prevent the spread of misinformation and disinformation during the electoral period. Silas Jonathan, Fact-Checker at Dubawa, provided insight on Artificial intelligence and Disinformation. Armsfree Ajanaku, Nigerian Journalist, shared lessons learned during Nigeria’s 2023 Elections regarding Misinformation and Disinformation. Taweh Johnson, Executive Director of Campaigners Against Misinfo and Disinfo in Liberia, taught the Journalists practical ways to prevent and respond to Election Misinformation and Disinformation. Representatives from the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia, National Elections Commission and UNDP Liberia made remarks at the training.

Group Photo at the end of the training

Election Misinfo and Disinfo Prevention and Response Training for Civil Society Organizations(CS0s) in Tubmanburg, Bomi County

Campaigners against misinformation and disinformation hosted Election Misinfo and Disinfo Prevention and Response Training for Civil Society Organizations on October 9, 2023 at the Bomi Civil Society Intellectual Center in Tubmanburg, Bomi County. The training equipped heads of CSOs and persons with disabilities with the relevant skills and knowledge to prevent and respond to Election Misinfo and Disinfo before, during and after the October 10, 2023 polls. Over thirty-five(35) heads of CSOs representing women and youth groups and persons with disabilities attended the training. The Heads of CSOs got useful skills and knowledge to prevent the spread of misinformation and disinformation during the electoral period and beyond. Taweh Johnson, Executive Director of Campaigners Against Misinfo and Disinfo in Liberia, taught the the heads of CSOs on practical ways to prevent and respond to Election Misinformation and Disinformation. Participants commended Campaigners Against Misinfo and Disinfo for the training and promised to be Ambassadors in the fight against misinfo and disinfo in Liberia. Representatives of the European Union Election Observation Team were at the training.

Misinfo and Disinfo Music Cover

Misinfo and Disinfo Music

Campaigners against misinformation and disinformation has released Misinfo and Disinfo Music. The music raises awareness regarding the danger of misinformation and disinformation in Liberia and provides tips on verifying information. The spread of misinformation and disinformation can lead to chaos, violence and instability in Liberia. This is a rap music done in the Simple Liberian English "Koloqua". The organization has reached out to over 33,000 citizens across Liberia with the music through Social Media . The Music is now on Radio, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Ben Nathan, Sign Language interpreter

Misinfo and Disinfo Music Video for Deaf and hard-of-hearing

Campaigners against misinformation and disinformation has released Misinfo and Disinfo Music Video for the Deaf and hard-of-hearing in Liberia. The music raises awareness regarding the danger of misinformation and disinformation in Liberia and provides tips on verifying information. The spread of misinformation and disinformation can lead to chaos, violence and instability in Liberia. This is a rap music done in the Simple Liberian English "Koloqua". The Music Video reached over 5,000 citizens across Liberia through Social Media. The Music video is now on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn.
